Authentication & Transfers

Regarding Authentication & Transfers

Updated 28th May 2023.

As everybody (hopefully) knows we made a switch to FiveM’s Asset Escrow system at the beginning of 2022.

We would like to explain how the system works and what to expect in certain cases of abuse:

The Keymaster system

Once You make a purchase it is automatically assigned to Your Keymaster / FiveM account.

This being Your account it is Your decision on who will have access, as well as Your duty to protect it.

We cannot be held responsible for anything unwanted happening to Your keymaster account and assigned assets, and we keep the right to deny any assistance on this matter.

The reasoning behind this is fairly simple - we do not have access to information on transfers, logs and shared accounts.

Asset transfers

The transfer system currently allows for a one-time transfer.

Before You transfer an asset You are prompted with this message:

WARNING: Transfer will remove this license from your account and move it to another account. This action is irreversible and can be done only once for each license.

The Keymaster system in its current state does not allow reversing this action.

As of the latest Keymaster update both the sender and receiver need to confirm the transfer through their registered e-mail address.

Please take care of Your Keymaster accounts, do not give access to untrusted people, and do not make shady deals.

In case a community member is purchasing a resource for a server it is always easier to use the “Gift” option on Tebex, so the asset(s) always end up on the correct account.

Regarding returns:

We are no longer able to complete a one time return due to changes in Tebex's system.

If your account gets compromised and assets get transferred we can return them to the original Keymaster account which made the purchase. We can only complete this return ONCE. Any further requests will be denied.

If You have such issues please contact us through our Discord server by opening a management ticket.


Role ( Support ) transfers

Since the Keymaster system allows for a one-time transfer, our “Customer” role transfer policy will remain compliant with this.

The Customer role, along with asset roles, allows a Discord user to receive support for the purchased resources.

In order to complete a transfer of ownership certain criteria will have to be met:

  • A ticket was opened from the original owner requesting a transfer

  • Mention of a Discord user who will receive the roles

  • A statement that explains the reason for the transfer

  • The request needs to be a full transfer request - meaning the owner will lose all support privileges.

Once a transfer is complete it cannot be reversed.

These rules also apply to customers whose Discord accounts have been compromised and are requesting a transfer to another one.

Last updated

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