Configs, Locales & SQL

Codesign resources contain various editable/unobscured files such as client/server functions etc.

Config = {}
function L(cd) if Locales[Config.Language][cd] then return Locales[Config.Language][cd] else print('Locale is nil ('')') end end

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Config.Database = 'mysql' --[ 'mysql' / 'ghmattimysql' / 'oxmysql' ] Choose your sql database script.
Config.Language = 'EN' --[ 'EN' / 'BG' / 'DE' / 'CZ' / 'ES' / 'FI' / 'FR' / 'NL' / 'PT' / 'SE' / 'SK' ] You can add your own locales to the Locales.lua. But make sure to change the Config.Language to match it.

Config.FrameworkTriggers = { --You can change the esx events (IF NEEDED).
    main = 'esx:getSharedObject',
    load = 'esx:playerLoaded',
    job = 'esx:setJob',

Config.NotificationType = { --[ 'esx' / 'mythic_old' / 'mythic_new' / 'chat' / 'other' ] Choose your notification script.
    server = 'esx',
    client = 'esx', 

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Config.PassportRegisteringTime = 5 --(in seconds) How long should we wait after creating your identity until the random mesages stop and the passport UI closes.
Config.SpawnPosition = vector4(-206.24, -1013.56, 30.14, 341.3) --This is the location where players will be teleported to after they have created their identity.

Config.UseNationality = true --If enabled, the nationality of players will be saved into the database when they create a new character and can be displayed on the id cards.
Config.UsePlaceOfBirth = true --If enabled, the place of birth of players will be saved into the database when they create a new character and can be displayed on the id cards.

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Config.IDcard = {
    ENABLE = true, --Do you want to allow players to use the id card? (if disabled, none of the options below will be used).
    use_licenses = true, --Do you want to display the players licenses on the id card?
    close_key = Config.Keys['BACKSPACE'], --The key to close the id card.
    close_timer = nil, --(in seconds) The id card will automatically close after x amount of seconds. (This is disabled by default; to enable this replace nil with a number eg., 10).
    Usage = {
        item = true, --Do you want to allow players to show their id card to players by using a usable item.
        item_name = 'idcard', --The spawn name of the usable item.

        command = true, --Do you want to allow players to show their id card to other players by using a command?
        command_itemcheck = false, --Do you want to make players be required to have the id card item in their inventory? (the 'item_name' above will be the item we are checking for ^^^).

        command_name_1 = 'idcard', --Name of the chat command.
        distance_1 = 5, --Gets the closest player within this distance to show your id card to.
        description_1 = L('command_description_1'), --The description for the chat message.

        --This 2nd command will show your id card to the closest player who is NOT in a vehicle (useful in traffic stops for when you want to show your id card to an officer outside your vehicle instead of your passenger).
        command_name_2 = 'idcard_outside',
        distance_2 = 5,
        description_2 = L('command_description_2'),

    ESX_LicenseLabels = { --If you are using esx_license, add your license types into this table and then set alabel for it. (this label will be displayed on the id card).
        ['dmv'] = 'Theory',
        ['drive'] = 'Vehicle',
        ['drive_bike'] = 'Motorcycle',
        ['drive_truck'] = 'Trucking',
        ['weapon'] = 'Weapon',

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Config.EnableTestCommand = false ---The test command is 'identitytest'.

Last updated

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