Discord Roles
A quick step by step guide on how to claim your purchases since we have moved to FiveM's official asset escrow system.
Only the person who purchased the resource(s) should claim their roles on discord. Developers/co-owners should NOT claim a purchase they did not make.
Step 1 - Download resource(s)
Resource downloads and updates can ONLY be found on FiveM’s Keymaster.
Step 2 - Join our discord
Do you or your team need support?
Do you like free resource giveaways?
Do you want to keep up to date with the latest updates and announcements?
Do you want access to private customer channels where you can communicate with us and other server owners?
The Codesign Discord is the only place to receive support and get access to all perks mentioned above.
Step 3 - Claim your customer roles
Once you have completed #Step 2 and joined the Codesign Discord, you can claim your purchase to automatically receive your customer roles - which will enable you to open support tickets and receive support. Use the bot commands below in the #bot-spam discord channel.
You can find your Tebex Transaction Id in the emails from Tebex or Codesign. You may need to check your email spam inbox. You can also find it in your Tebex Payment History.
Use discord‘s slash command by typing in
, select thetbx
option and paste your transaction ID.
Step 4 - Verify your team members
Do your developers, co-owners or team members need support too?
Once you have completed #Step 3 and your team member(s) have joined the Codesign Discord, the only way we can offer your team member(s) support is if you, the resource owner, manually verify them in the Codesign Discord. This will automatically give them a customer role and enable them to open support tickets and receive support. Use the bot commands below in the #bot-spam discord channel.
Remember you must use discord’s slash command for this bot.
/dev add @User
/dev remove @User
/dev list
Step 5 - Instant authorization
Your resources(s) are instantly authorized upon purchase automatically. No further action is required.
This is of course assuming you understand how the new FiveM asset escrow system works. Please read here for more information #FiveM Asset Escrow System.
Last updated
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