
Step-by-step installation guide, common issues & solutions, code snippets, error codes, config previews, locales previews, SQL previews, and changelogs; all in 1 easily accessible place.

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Step 0 - First Steps

1. Download your resource from FiveM’s Keymaster.

2. Unzip the cd_dispatch.zip folder and place this folder in your server's resource folder.

3. Add the resource to your server start config (server.cfg): ensure cd_dispatch. If you are using a framework, it must be placed anywhere below your framework resource e.g., es_extended, not above.

ensure es_extended
ensure cd_dispatch

Step 1 - Fxmanifest

Depending on your framework and dependencies, you may need to make some changes to the [cd_dispatch/fxmanifest.lua]. We have made this easier by commenting on the lines you possibly need to change.

Step 2 - Configure Resource

You MUST read all configurable options inside the [cd_dispatch/configs/config.lua] file and configure them to suit your server's needs. Please read the ”commented out help text” at the end of each line so you can understand what each config option does.

The most important sections are the options under the Framework and Important sections at the top of the config.lua. Everything else is optional.

NEW: Auto Framework Detect!

We have added a new feature we are calling 'auto_detect', which will automatically identify your framework and SQL database resource, and apply the appropriate default settings.

Step 3 - SQL Database

Insert Automatically?

If you set Config.AutoInsertSQL in the [cd_dispatch/configs/config.lua] to true, the resource will automatically insert the SQL for you. You can set this to false after the SQL has been inserted successfully.

Insert Manually?

Alternatively, if you want to insert the SQL queries manually, you can find them here.

Step 4 - Configure Key Binds

Before starting this resource on your main/live server, we highly advise configuring your key binds because this resource uses Fivem's Key Mapping.

Where can I configure my key binds?

You can configure key binds in the Keys and Commands section near the bottom of the [cd_dispatch/configs/config.lua].

Why do I need to do this?

Well long story short;- once a player has joined your server with this resource running you can no longer force change their key binds for this resource through the config.lua, only they can change it in the in-game pause menu settings. Although it will change for the players who join after you have changed it.

The benefit of this system is that it's much more optimised and players can easily change their key binds on keyboards or controllers. You can also check out the Default Keybinds for this resource.

Step 5 - Add New Dispatch Alerts

Why do I need to do this?

Because you need to replace your old dispatch alerts with the new ones.

Compatible Code Snippets Provided by Codesign

On our Dispatch Resource Integration page, we provide photos, customized code snippets, and the exact lines to modify for full compatibility with ESX, QBCore and Paid Resources.

Click here for ESX.

Click here for QBCore.

Click here for Paid Resources.


  • Here is an example of replacing your old dispatch alerts with the new ones. Not every resource will look identical to this, but the general idea is the same.

    • EXAMPLE:

      • Red = Here is the old dispatch alert.

      • Green = The old dispatch alert has been replaced with the new one.

Customise the dispatch notification

Additional Information

Trigger from the client-side or server-side, but not both

  • Above we provide you with 2 different methods of triggering notifications; 1 from the client-side and 1 from the server-side. You DON’T need to use both to trigger the same dispatch alert. Choose 1 or the other, but we recommend using the client-side method as it’s simpler.

Find where the action starts

For this example, I will reference a criminal and a police officer.

  • You need to trigger the event when the criminal is performing the action, not the police officer, because it will send the police officer's location, not the criminal's.

  • You don’t want to trigger the new dispatch alert in the old dispatch alerts existing register event that gets triggered from the server-side and affects all police officers, as that will cause multiple of the same dispatch alerts to be sent.

    • EXAMPLE:

      • Red = An example of a bad location to place the new dispatch alert because that event is coming from the server-side to the client-side, and all police officers will be receiving the same event, so it will result in spam duplicate notifications. A good indication of a bad location is when you see blips being created, and it does not trigger a server event.

      • Green = An example of a good location to place the new dispatch alert because there are no blips being created, and it triggers a server event.


  • To summarise the above, find the part of the code where a player starts a robbery, place the new dispatch alert code snippet there, and cd_dispatch will handle the rest.

A detailed guide for all variables used in the dispatch "code snippet".

A detailed guide for all the data the client-side export returns.

The export used in the code snippet above will return this table. This can be customised in the [client/main/functions.lua] file.

If the player is on foot then the export will return this:
local data = exports['cd_dispatch']:GetPlayerInfo()

data.ped --The player's id: eg., 123456789.
data.coords --The players coordinates: eg., vector3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0).
data.street_1 --The street name: eg., “Palomino Ave”. 
data.street_2 --The streets area name: eg., “Legion Square”.
data.street --Both the street name & area name: eg., “Palomino Ave, Legion Square”.
data.sex --The players ped’s sex; eg., “Male”.


This section is to help you understand how the built-in features of this resource work and, if applicable, how you can make them compatible with other resources. These features are not required. They are optional and can be configured in the [configs/config.lua].

Large UI Settings

What do the settings do and how does this work?

This is where each player can customise settings to suit their own individual role-play needs.


  • The status shows other players what you are doing, such as available, unavailable, processing, training, undercover etc. It‘s displayed on the “Units List”, and each status displays a different colour. For example., green = available, red = unavailable and blue = training.

Auto Delete

  • Each notification will auto-delete after x minutes to clear out old notifications.

Update Callsign

  • This is how you update your callsign.

Assigned Vehicle

  • This is used to show other players what type of vehicle you are currently using. It’s displayed on the “Units List” and the pause-menu/mini-map blips. Players must change this manually, as it won’t change automatically.

Dispatcher Mode

  • This is where you enable dispatcher mode.

Radio Channels

How do radio channels work?

We use radio channels to allow players to see which radio channels other players are on, and also to allow players to quickly join radio channels through the large UI.

You will of course need to be using some sort of voip and radio resource. By default we have added compatibility with tokovoip, mumble and pmavoice.

Where are the radio channels displayed?

The radio channels are displayed in 2 places: on the large UI and the pause-menu/mini-map blips.

This event needs to be triggered from your radio resource, specifically when a player (who has access to use the dispatch) joins/leaves/changes a radio channel, and it needs to send the players new radio channel in the first argument.

Example 1

Example 2

RADIO_CHANNEL_HERE needs to be a string or a number.
TriggerServerEvent('cd_dispatch:GetRadioChannel', RADIO_CHANNEL_HERE)

Duty System

How does the duty system work?

QBCore and ESX Legacy 1.6+ use built in duty system’s. We use this by default to require players who have the job to be on duty to use the dispatch.

Do you use QBCore or ESX Legacy 1.6+?

Then you don't need to make any changes. We have already implemented this for you.

Using an external duty resource, you can use the events below to tell the dispatch when a player is on or off duty.

Boolean means (true or false).
TriggerEvent('cd_dispatch:OnDutyChecks', BOOLEAN)


How do the blips work?

Our built-in player blips feature allows all players of the job(s) you define in the Config.Allowedjobs table to see each other on the in-game pause-menu and mini-map.

The blips show much more information than usual blip resources because it gets data from the dispatch UI; such as the players character name, callsign, radio channel and vehicle type. Blips also flash when a vehicles emergency lights are enabled.

Possible Modifications are Required!

If you use another player blips resource, you must disable it to use the built-in player blips feature; otherwise, they will conflict.

Known player blip conflicts.

Comment out this thread in qb-policejob/server/main.lua/line 1097.

    while true do


How do callsigns work?

Callsigns can only be changed in the settings on the large UI. Open the large UI, click the “settings” icon at the top of your screen and change your callsign.


How does the dispatcher system work?

Our dispatcher system allows dispatcher(s) to recieve calls and assign them to individual players. Only those with the pre-defined job(s) and job grade (defined in the Config.Dispatcher table) can use this feature. While a player has dispatcher mode enabled, non-dispatchers will not recieve calls until a dispatcher assigns them one.

How to enable dispatcher mode?

  • Open the large UI, click the “settings” icon at the top of your screen and click “Toggle dispatcher mode”. You don’t have the required job or grade if this option is not clickable.

How to assign a unit/group to a call?

  • You must drag a unit/group from the “Unit List” (on the right side of your screen) onto a call in the “Notification List” (on the left side of your screen). You will see the unit(s) added to the “Units Responding” on the call if assigned successfully. You must drag the unit/group from the drag icon (8 dots).

How To assign all units to a call?

  • While the large UI is open, right-click on a call in the “Notification List” (on the left side of your screen), and click “Assign every unit to call”.

How to speak on the radio while in the large UI?

  • While the large UI is open, click the “Toggle Voice ON” button (at the bottom right corner of your screen). When enabled, this button will change colour to white. To talk on the radio, press your radio's push-to-talk key.

How to join/leave radio channels while in the large UI?

  • While the large UI is open, right-click on a unit in the “Unit List” (on the top right side of your screen) and click “Join radio channel”. Do the same thing to leave a radio channel but click “Leave radio channel”.

Job Call Commands

How does the job call commands work?

When a civilian uses any of the job call commands such as /911, a notification will be sent to the police. You can configure multiple jobs to use this system. After receiving a job call, players in said job can respond to the civilian using the /reply chat command. Calls can also be anonymous if the anonymous option is set to true (does not show the caller's name or phone number and uses radius blips).

Police Alerts

How does the police alerts work?

This dispatch includes 3 basic built-in police alerts: stolen car, gunshots and speed cameras.

Whitelisted Jobs

Please note that when testing this, if your job is in the whitelisted_jobs table, you won’t be able to trigger events.

Stolen Car Alerts

  • This alert is specifically for when a civilian tries to enter a locked vehicle or drags a ped out of their vehicle and steals it. If you use cd_radar, bolos will be automatically added for the stolen vehicles.

Gunshot Alerts

  • Weapons with silencers on won’t trigger an alert. If you use cd_radar, bolos will be automatically added for vehicle gunshots.

Speed Camera Alerts

  • Some speed cameras are already pre-configured. When a vehicle speeds through one of these speed camera areas, an alert will be sent to the police. You can also optionally send the player a fine automatically. If you use cd_radar, bolos will be automatically added for speeding vehicles.


Default Keybinds

These keys can be modified and/or disabled in the Keys and Commands section of the [configs/config.lua].

Please make sure you understand how Key Mapping works.

Chat Commands

These chat commands can be renamed and/or disabled in the Keys and Commands section of the [configs/config.lua].

The exact usage for each command will be displayed in the chat suggestions when using the commands in-game.


These events are completely optional; you can use them if needed.

Panic Button

Activates the panic button.


These exports are completely optional; you can use them if needed.

Get Player Info

Returns useful information about a player which can be used for creating new dispatch notifications, as seen in step 5. (returns a table).

Get Player Notifications

Returns all of a player's active dispatch notifications. (returns a table).

Get Players Dispatch Data

Returns a player's dispatch character data, eg., callsign, character name, status etc. (returns a table).

Get Config

Returns the dispatch's full config.lua. (returns a table).


Please check out our Troubleshooting Guide before contacting our support.

🔔 Folder Name Make sure the name of the folder is cd_dispatch.

🔔 Encrypted Files Do not edit the encrypted files in any way.

SQL Default Value Error?

eg., if you see an error similar to this example when inserting an SQL query into your database - “BLOB/TEXT column 'callsign' can't have a default value”.

✔️ You can use “VARCHAR(256)” instead of “LONGTEXT” in the SQL query.

SQL Unknown Column Error?

eg., if you see an SQL error in the server console similar to this example - ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown colum 'callsign' in 'where clause'.

✔️ You are missing one of the required database columns. The SQL file can be found in the "READ_ME_AFTER_PURCHASING" folder.

Script Loading?

eg., if you see this notification at least 10-20 seconds after loading in or restarting the script - “The resource is still loading. Please try again in a few seconds”.

✔️ There will usually be a server side error which will be pretty self explanatory, usually a database error or because your Config.FrameworkTriggers were not configured correctly.

NUI "drawImage" error?

eg., if you see an error similar to this in the client-side F8 console.

✔️ This means you have chosen a blip colour that is not supported by default in: Config.lua/Config.BlipData/largeui_blip_colour. To fix this change it to one of the supported colours.

Players are not recveving calls?

eg., if all of a sudden players are not longer recieving dispatch calls.


If you see an error code not listed below, please open a script support ticket in the Codesign Discord.



Files Changed

Not every update requires you to replace the whole folder. We do this because we understand it's a pain to redo the configs for every update.

  • All Files - This means you should delete your old cd_dispatch folder, download and add in the latest version, reconfigure the configs folder and restart your server.

  • All Files Except config.lua - This means you should do all of the above (in the All Files section) but additionally make a backup of the config.lua file and replace the new config.lua file with the one you made a backup of.

  • Specific Files - This means you can copy and paste the SPECIFIC new files over the old ones and restart the server.

Update Type

On rare occasions, you are forced to update to the latest version. Mostly due to authentication updates where the old versions will no longer work.

  • Mandatory - This means you MUST update to this new version, or the old versions will no longer work.

  • Optional - This means it's completely your choice whether you wish to update to the latest version. But we do not offer support for old versions for obvious reasons; they are old.

Skipping Updates

If you are attempting to update to the latest version but have skipped previous updates, you should update all files just to be safe. For example., let's say you are currently on v4.0.1, you did not update when v4.0.2 was released, and now v4.0.3 is released, and you want to update; you should always use the “All Files” update method.


Files Changed:

Update Type:



  • Auto Player Blip Update Added a config option to automatically detect a player's vehicle type and update a player's blips on the pause menu map, mini-map and the large UI map.

  • Ping Added a config option to allow players with access to the dispatch to press a key and send their location to other players with the same job. Up Arrow by default.

  • Added the option for the panic button to be used by pressing a key. Down arrow by default.

  • Added multiple pre-configured notifications events/exports that work with auto_detect.


  • Removed the built-in stolen car alerts.

  • Various file and code clean-up.

Last updated


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