Resource Integration

This guide helps customers understand how to integrate cd_garage with other resources for seamless functionality.

Compatible Resources

Compatibility Type

There are multiple ways another resource can be considered compatible with cd_garage. Some methods are easier for customers than others

Built-in (Recommended): This means the resource's creator has already made the necessary changes to ensure compatibility with cd_garage, so you don’t have to do anything.

Creator Docs: This indicates that the creator provides documentation outlining the required changes you need to make for their resource to be compatible with cd_garage.

Resource Name
Compatibility Type




Creator Docs





ESX Resources


To use our built-in vehicle keys feature with official ESX resources, only the following modifications are required. This is necessary because most ESX resources typically call these functions to spawn vehicles.

Still don't recieve keys? If you don't receive keys to a vehicle, most likely, one of your resources does not use any of the ESX spawn vehicle functions, so you will need to refer to #VehicleKeys and add the event to that resource.

Click this link to view the code on GitHub: ex_extended/server/onesync.lua

Add the 2 line's of code exactly as seen in the screenshot below.
TriggerClientEvent('cd_garage:AddKeys',, GetVehicleNumberPlateText(createdVehicle))

Job Garages

To utilize our built-in job garage feature with official ESX resources, only the following modifications are required:

Click this link to view the code on GitHub: esx_policejob/server/main.lua

REPLACE the line of code exactly as seen in the screenshot below.
MySQL.insert('INSERT INTO owned_vehicles (owner, vehicle, plate, type, job_personalowned, `stored`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', { xPlayer.identifier, json.encode(vehicleProps), vehicleProps.plate, type,, true},

Boat & Air Garages

To use our built-in boat and air garages feature with official ESX resources, only the following modifications are required:

Click this link to view the code on GitHub: esx_boat/client/main.lua

Add the line of code exactly as seen in the screenshot below.

Persistent Vehicle

To use our built-in persistent vehicle feature with official ESX resources, only the following modifications are required:

Vehicles Still Respawn After Deletion? If vehicles still respawn after being deleted, it’s likely that one of your resources does not use the ESX delete vehicle function. You will need to refer to #PersistentVehicles and add the necessary event to that resource.

Click this link to view the code on GitHub: es_extended/client/functions.lua

Add the line of code exactly as seen in the screenshot below.
TriggerServerEvent('cd_garage:RemovePersistentVehicles', exports['cd_garage']:GetPlate(vehicle))

QBCore Resources


To use our built-in vehicle keys feature with official QBCore resources, only the following modifications are required.

This process is much simpler on QBCore compared to ESX, as we have integrated event handlers for the default QBCore qb-vehiclekeys resource into cd_garage, meaning it’s mostly pre-configured.

Click this link to view the code on GitHub: qb-core/client/events.lua

REPLACE the line’s of code exactly as seen in the screenshot below.
if GetResourceState('cd_garage') == 'started' and plate then
    hasKeys = exports['cd_garage']:DoesPlayerHaveKeys(plate)

Boat & Air Garages

To use our built-in boat and air garages feature with official QBCore resources, only the following modifications are required:

Click this link to view the code on GitHub: qb-vehicleshop/client/main.lua

Add the line of code exactly as seen in the screenshot below.

Persistent Vehicle

To use our built-in persistent vehicle feature with official QBCore resources, only the following modifications are required:

Vehicles still respawn when deleting them? If vehicles still respawn when deleting them, most likely, one of your resources does not use the QBCore delete vehicle function, so you will need to refer to #PersistentVehicles and add the event to that resource.

Click this link to view the code on GitHub: qb-core/client/functions.lua

Add the line of code exactly as seen in the screenshot below.
TriggerServerEvent('cd_garage:RemovePersistentVehicles', exports['cd_garage']:GetPlate(vehicle))

Garage Phone Apps

To make your phone's garage app compatible with cd_garage, only the following modifications are required. If you use a phone not listed below, these changes may not work for you.

Click this link to view the code on GitHub: qb-phone/server/main.lua

Replace this whole function.
QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('qb-phone:server:GetPhoneData', function(source, cb)
    local src = source
    local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
    if Player ~= nil then
        local PhoneData = {
            Applications = {},
            PlayerContacts = {},
            MentionedTweets = {},
            Chats = {},
            Hashtags = {},
            Invoices = {},
            Garage = {},
            Mails = {},
            Adverts = {},
            CryptoTransactions = {},
            Tweets = {},
            Images = {},
            InstalledApps = Player.PlayerData.metadata["phonedata"].InstalledApps
        PhoneData.Adverts = Adverts

        local result = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM player_contacts WHERE citizenid = ? ORDER BY name ASC', {Player.PlayerData.citizenid})
        if result[1] ~= nil then
            for _, v in pairs(result) do
                v.status = GetOnlineStatus(v.number)

            PhoneData.PlayerContacts = result

        local invoices = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM phone_invoices WHERE citizenid = ?', {Player.PlayerData.citizenid})
        if invoices[1] ~= nil then
            for _, v in pairs(invoices) do
                local Ply = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerByCitizenId(v.sender)
                if Ply ~= nil then
                    v.number =
                    local res = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM players WHERE citizenid = ?', {v.sender})
                    if res[1] ~= nil then
                        res[1].charinfo = json.decode(res[1].charinfo)
                        v.number = res[1]
                        v.number = nil
            PhoneData.Invoices = invoices

        local garageresult = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM player_vehicles WHERE citizenid = ?', {Player.PlayerData.citizenid})
        if garageresult[1] ~= nil then
            for _, v in pairs(garageresult) do
                local vehicleModel = v.vehicle
                if QBCore.Shared.Vehicles[vehicleModel] then
                    v.garage = v.garage_id
                    v.vehicle = QBCore.Shared.Vehicles[vehicleModel].name
                    v.brand = QBCore.Shared.Vehicles[vehicleModel].brand

            PhoneData.Garage = garageresult

        local messages = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM phone_messages WHERE citizenid = ?', {Player.PlayerData.citizenid})
        if messages ~= nil and next(messages) ~= nil then
            PhoneData.Chats = messages

        if AppAlerts[Player.PlayerData.citizenid] ~= nil then
            PhoneData.Applications = AppAlerts[Player.PlayerData.citizenid]

        if MentionedTweets[Player.PlayerData.citizenid] ~= nil then
            PhoneData.MentionedTweets = MentionedTweets[Player.PlayerData.citizenid]

        if Hashtags ~= nil and next(Hashtags) ~= nil then
            PhoneData.Hashtags = Hashtags

        local Tweets = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM phone_tweets WHERE `date` > NOW() - INTERVAL ? hour', {Config.TweetDuration})

        if Tweets ~= nil and next(Tweets) ~= nil then
            PhoneData.Tweets = Tweets
            TWData = Tweets

        local mails = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM player_mails WHERE citizenid = ? ORDER BY `date` ASC', {Player.PlayerData.citizenid})
        if mails[1] ~= nil then
            for k, _ in pairs(mails) do
                if mails[k].button ~= nil then
                    mails[k].button = json.decode(mails[k].button)
            PhoneData.Mails = mails

        local transactions = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM crypto_transactions WHERE citizenid = ? ORDER BY `date` ASC', {Player.PlayerData.citizenid})
        if transactions[1] ~= nil then
            for _, v in pairs(transactions) do
                PhoneData.CryptoTransactions[#PhoneData.CryptoTransactions+1] = {
                    TransactionTitle = v.title,
                    TransactionMessage = v.message
        local images = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM phone_gallery WHERE citizenid = ? ORDER BY `date` DESC',{Player.PlayerData.citizenid})
        if images ~= nil and next(images) ~= nil then
            PhoneData.Images = images


You can find this event in [okok-vehicleshop/sv_utils.lua] (approx; line 72).

Add the line of code exactly as seen in the screenshot below.
TriggerClientEvent('cd_garage:AddKeys', _source, vehicleProps.plate:match( "^%s*(.-)%s*$" ))

Boat & Air Garages

You can find this event in [okok-vehicleshop/sv_utils.lua] (approx; line 68).

Add the line of code exactly as seen in the screenshot below.
TriggerClientEvent('cd_garage:UpdateGarageType', source)

Garage Phone Apps

To make your phone's garage app compatible with cd_garage, only the following modifications are required. If you use a phone not listed below, these changes may not work for you.

lb-phone comes pre-configured to work with cd_garage, so no modifications are required.

Last updated

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