A step-by-step installation guide, common issues and solutions, code snippets, error codes, config previews, locales previews, SQL previews, and changelogs—all in one easily accessible place.
2. Unzip the cd_garage.zip folder and place this folder in your server's resource folder.
3. Add the resource to your server start config (server.cfg). Make sure cd_garage is listed below your framework resource e.g., es_extended, not above it.
ensure es_extended
ensure cd_garage
Step 2 - Fxmanifest
Depending on your framework and dependencies, you may need to make some changes inside [cd_garage/fxmanifest.lua]. We have simplified this process by commenting on the lines that you may need to modify.
Step 3 - Configure Resource
You must read all configurable options inside [cd_garage/configs/config.lua] and adjust them to fit your server's needs. Please pay attention to the "commented out help text" at the end of each line to understand the purpose of each config option.
The most important sections are those under the Framework and Important categories at the top of the config.lua. Everything else is optional.
Step 4 - SQL Database
Insert Automatically?
If you set Config.AutoInsertSQL in [cd_garage/configs/config.lua] to true, the resource will automatically insert the SQL for you. You can change this to false after the SQL has been successfully inserted.
Insert Manually?
Alternatively, if you prefer to insert the SQL queries manually, you can find them here.
Step 5 - Configure Key Binds
Before starting this resource on your main/live server, we highly recommend configuring your key binds, as this resource uses FiveM's Key Mapping.
Where Can I Configure My Key Binds?
You can configure key binds in the Keys and Commands section near the bottom of [cd_garage/configs/config.lua].
Why Do I Need to Do This?
In short, once a player joins your server with this resource running, you can no longer force changes to their key binds through the config.lua. Only the players themselves can modify their key binds in the in-game pause menu settings. However, changes you make will apply to other players who join after the update.
The benefit of this system is that it is much more optimized, allowing players to easily customize their key binds for both keyboards and controllers. You can also check out the Default Keybinds for this resource.
Step 6 - Install Dependencies
Where Can I Find These Dependencies?
You can find the dependencies by opening the [cd_garage/dependencies] folder. Inside, you’ll find folders for each required dependency, and each folder contains a text file with a GitHub download link. Alternatively, the dependencies are listed in the table below.
Where Should I Put These Dependencies?
These resources should be placed in your resources folder like any other. However, make sure not to put them inside the cd_garage folder.
Do I Need to Add Them to the Server Start Config?
Required: If a dependency is listed as required, you do not need to add it to the server start config, as it will start automatically due to being a dependency of this resource.
Optional: If a dependency is listed as optional, then yes, you need to add it to your server.cfg.
Resource Name
REQUIRED for the inside garage shell.
REQUIRED by default but can be replaced.
OPTIONAL is used by default for syncing the time inside the garage shell but can be replaced.
OPTIONAL is used by default for vehicle lockpicking if enabled but can be replaced/removed.
Step 7 - Vehicle Keys
Do You Use cd_garage’s Built-in Vehicle Key System?
Yes? The keys will automatically be given when you spawn a vehicle from the garage. Be sure to read the information in the #VehicleKeys, as you may need to modifications in other resources that spawn vehicles, such as vehicle shops or your framework’s /car chat command.
Do You Use a Different Vehicle Key Script?
Yes? By default, we have added compatibility with some, but not all, key resources. If your key resource isn't listed, open [cd_garage/configs/client_customise_me.lua]and locate the function named [GiveVehicleKeys]. You will need to add the event/export from your existing vehicle keys script to grant a player keys when a vehicle is spawned from the garage. (See image below.)
Do You Not Use Any Vehicle Key Script?
Then you can skip this step.
Step 8 - Vehicle Plate Format
You must complete this step correctly. You must read the information below and confirm your server's plate format.
Please read all 3 options below carefully before confirming which one you use.
Please note that you NEED to use the plate format your server already uses; changing them just because you like the benefits can cause script-breaking issues.
What is vehicle plate formats?
Your vehicle shop/car dealer is the script that usually decides what plate format owned vehicles will use on your server. So you need to configure the Config.PlateFormats in the [configs/config.lua] file to what plate format your server uses. We have added compatibility with all 3 known plate formats.
Short Explanation
By default, every vehicle's plate in FiveM is 8 characters long. So for example if your vehicle shop forces the plate to be 4 characters long, when you use the FiveM native to get a vehicle's plate GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle), this will return a string that is 8 characters long even though the plate is 4 characters long on your vehicle in-game (ABCD); because FiveM will add whitespaces until the plate is 8 characters long including whitespaces.
What do you mean by "trimmed" plate format?
By "trimmed", we mean your vehicle shop removes all spaces and whitespaces from the default 8-character plate.
Example of what the "trimmed" plate looks like when using DEBUG PRINTS.
Example of what the "trimmed" plate looks like in the DATABASE.
Example of what the "trimmed" plate looks like IN-GAME.
Does your server use the "trimmed" vehicle plate format?
Then you need to set the Config.PlateFormats in the config.lua to 'trimmed'.
What do you mean by "with spaces" plate format?
By "with spaces", we mean your vehicle shop does not modify the plate, so all plates will be 8 characters long no matter how many letters or numbers are in the plate because it will include whitespaces to make the length 8.
Example of what the "with spaces" plate looks like when using DEBUG PRINTS.
Example of what the "with spaces" plate looks like in the DATABASE.
Example of what the "with spaces" plate looks like IN-GAME.
Does your server use the "with_spaces" vehicle plate format?
Then you need to set the Config.PlateFormats in the config.lua to 'with_spaces'.
What do you mean by "mixed" plate format?
By "mixed", we mean your vehicle shop will remove any whitespaces at the start and the end of the plate, but it will not remove spaces in the centre of the plate. You should only be using this option if you use Qbcore or esx_vehicleshop.
QBCore: This option is recommended for QBCore servers as this is what QBCore also uses in its get plate function. Normally, QBCore's plates are 8 characters long with no spaces, so the examples below may not be relevant to you.
esx_vehicleshop: If your vehicle plates in the database are the same format as the examples below, you should use this option, as some esx vehicle shops by default, force the plate format to be 7 characters long with a space in the middle.
Example of what the "mixed" plate looks like when using DEBUG PRINTS.
Example of what the "mixed" plate looks like in the DATABASE.
Example of what the "mixed" plate looks like IN-GAME.
Does your server use the "mixed" vehicle plate format?
Then you need to set the Config.PlateFormats in the config.lua to 'mixed'.
To sum up the above:
Do you use QBCore?
Use the "mixed" option.
Do you use esx_vehicleshop, and are your plates formatted like [ABC 123]?
Use the "mixed" option.
My plates are 8 characters with no spaces [ABCD1234]?
🔔 Folder Name Make sure the name of the folder is cd_garage.
🔔 Encrypted Files Do not edit the encrypted files in any way.
Screen Flickering?
eg., if your screen is flickering while using cd_easytime.
✔️ This is due to you having multiple time/weather sync scripts running at the same time fighting each other eg., vSync or vMenu. Stop the other time/weather script that is causing this or stop cd_easytime and remove it from the dependencies in the fxmanifest.lua of cd_garage.
SQL Default Value?
eg., if you see an error similar to this example when inserting an SQL query into your database - “BLOB/TEXT column 'adv_stats' can't have a default value”.
✔️ You can use “VARCHAR(256)” instead of “LONGTEXT” in the SQL query.
SQL Unknown Column?
eg., if you see an SQL error in the server console similar to this example - ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown colum 'job_personalspawn' in 'where clause'.
✔️ You are missing one of the required database columns. The SQL file can be found in the "READ_ME_AFTER_PURCHASING" folder.
Is the impound Not Opening?
eg., if you see a thin line on screen where the impound UI should be and you see a client F8 print saying "toLowerCase".
✔️ Part 1: Use this chat command in your server console before any player joins.
✔️ Part 2: Execute this SQL query in your database.
UPDATE owned_vehicles SET impound = 0, impound_data = '' WHERE impound > 0
'L' client-side F8 Error?
eg., if you see an error in the client-side F8 console similar to this example - attempt to call a number value (field 'L') - example.
✔️ This is caused by your anti-cheat. The creator of the anti-cheat most likely has a line of code that you can to add to the [cd_garage/fxmanifest.lua]. This should whitelist this resource and fix the issue.
Fuel Not Saving Correctly?
eg., if your vehicles fuel is not saving when you store a vehicle or not applying when spawning a vehicle in the garage.
✔️ This is because the GetFuel() and SetFuel() functions in the [configs/client_customise_me.lua] resource has not been configured for your servers vehicle fuel resource.
RGB Colours Not Saving Correctly?
eg., if your vehicles RGB colours are not saving when you store a vehicle or not applying when spawning a vehicle in the garage.
✔️ This is because you have not made the changes to your frameworks GetVehicleProperties() and SetVehicleProperties() functions that your mechanic/customs resource requires you to do.
"ExitLocation" client-side F8 error?
eg., if you see an error in the client-side F8 console similar to this example - attempt to call a nil value (field 'ExitLocation').
✔️ This happens when you spam the button on the UI to spawn a vehicle too fast, it does not break anything and can be ignored.
If you encounter an error code not listed below, please open a support ticket in the Codesign Discord for assistance.
6458145 - #Step 4 was not completed correctly. The adv_stats column is missing from the database.
468454 - #Step 4 was not completed correctly. The vehicles table is missing from the database.
46584645 - #Step 4 was not completed correctly. The impound and impound_data columns are missing from the database.
5454 - #Step 4 was not completed correctly. The cd_garage_keys table is missing from the database.
3122 - #Step 4 was not completed correctly. The cd_garage_privategarage table is missing from the database.
1975 - The vehicle shown in the server side print hasn't been added to QBCore's shared vehicle table.
5111- This warning appears when Config.UseExploitProtection is disabled. It likely means the model variable in the vehicle/mods column is missing for a player's vehicle. This could be caused by a faulty vehicle shop or, less commonly, a player using a cheat engine. To fix it, delete the vehicle or manually add the plate in the JSON file.
1654651- The plate column in the owned_vehicles/player_vehicles table is NULL or not a string for one of this player's vehicles.
87458434 / 3216584884- The adv_stats column in the owned_vehicles/player_vehicles table is NULL or not a table for one of this player's vehicles.
77745646844 / 66546544658 / 749864- The vehicle/mods column in the owned_vehicles/player_vehicles table is NULL or not a table for one of this player's vehicles.
2472782- The garage_id column in the owned_vehicles/player_vehicles table is NULL or not a string for one of this player's vehicles.
465146541- The property column in the owned_vehicles/player_vehicles table is NULL or not a number for one of this player's vehicles.
6584165- The in_garage column in the owned_vehicles/player_vehicles table is NULL or not a boolean. It should be a TINYINT (0 or 1).
63548- The GetJob_grade() function in client_customise_me.lua returned nil when it should return a number.
013552 - The plate variable in the vehicle/mods column for one of this player's vehicles is missing. You can either delete this vehicle or manually add the plate in the JSON file.
3459 - Duplicate garage_id found in Config.GangGarages and Config.Locations. IDs must be unique.
68541545 - You are using a regular job garage but haven't added vehicles for that job in Config.JobVehicles.RegularMethod.
68445154 - Error in the SpawnVehicle function in client/main/functions.lua.
768415- The impound column in the owned_vehicles/player_vehicles table is a boolean, but it should be a number.
434543522- Error in the GetFuel function in client_customise_me.lua.
Files Changed
Not every update requires replacing the entire folder, as we understand it’s a hassle to redo configs for each update.
All Files: Delete the old cd_garage folder, download the latest version, reconfigure the configs folder, and restart your server.
All Files Except config.lua: Follow the steps above, but first back up your existing config.lua file. After downloading, replace the new config.lua with your backup.
Specific Files: Simply copy and paste the specific updated files over the old ones, then restart your server.
Update Type
Occasionally, updates are mandatory due to changes like authentication updates, which make older versions obsolete.
Mandatory - You must update to the latest version; older versions will stop working.
Optional - Updating is your choice, but we don’t support outdated versions.
Skipping Updates
If you’ve skipped previous updates, it’s best to update all files to ensure compatibility. For example, if you're on v4.0.1, skipped v4.0.2, and now want to update to v4.0.3, use the "All Files" method for safety.
26/12/2020 - 21/06/2021
v3.0.0 - v3.0.7
Files Changed:
Update Type:
Added search option to quick and impound menu
Vehicles can now be searched by name, location, plate or manufacturer
Added option to allow multiple jobs to use the JobRestricted garages
Added a staff command to change the plate of the vehicle you are in. This will allow custom plates to be used
Added logs for the vehicle management commands
Added a new function called SetFuel(), (just under the GetFuel() function) to the client_customise_me which will make adding compatibility with fuel scripts much easier. The read me has also been updated
Added a check for the /vehicle-plate command to make sure you can not change a plate to one that already exists
Added the vehicle labels to the transfer vehicle webhooks (ONLY when used from the chat command)
Added the ability to rename all esx events such as the setjob and playerloaded events
When using the regular job garage we added the ability to restrict cars to certain job grades
Added the ability to have dedicated car/air/boat garages for job garages. This will work with all 3 types of job garages
Added an event that you can trigger after a player purchases a vehicle and it will update the garage_type in the database
Added an event that you can trigger after purchasing a job vehicle and it will set the vehicle as a job owned vehicle (you can choose if you want this vehicle to be personal owned or society owned)
Added full locales to the discord logs so you no longer need to redo them every time the file is updated
Updated quick menu design
Improved load time of quick menu
Major optimisation of the client side ms usage
Updated all of the stylings of the logs
If you have added jobs to a JobRestricted garage, only people with said job(s) will be able to see this blip. It will also display which jobs this location is restricted to on the blip
Reworked the job cars garage to use the drawtextui instead of chat commands
Reworked the personal owned job vehicles. To make a vehicle a personal owned job vehicle you will need to set the new column in the database 'job_personalowned' to 1. Meaning you no longer need to add all of the personal owned job vehicles to a table in the config
Simplified the whole job garage system in the config so it's easier to understand
Updated the codesign error handlers
Reworked the garage tax system to get the garage tax value from each car from the "vehicles" database table. (make sure to insert the new SQL)
Reworked the use of the "vehicles" database table. We now get the vehicle display name, vehicle price, vehicle class and the garage tax amount for each vehicle
Updated the impound UI to the new system of getting the vehicle labels from the database if possible so it always shows the vehicles labels instead of the spawn names
Moved the webhooks to a server-only file so it can not be dumped from the config
When impounding a vehicle, you can now choose to send the ID of the vehicle you wish to impound (so you can impound vehicles which are still on the back of tow trucks)
Changed the /vehicle-add command so you can not add a vehicle to the database if it is already owned by a player
Changed the /vehicle-delete so it does not log to discord if the vehicle is not owned by a player
Fixed spawn bug with long vehicle loading times
Fixed a bug with the adv_stats on some vehicles in the database sometimes being set to false
The drawtextui now closes when the pause menu is open and reopens when you close it
Fixed a bug with the impound where it always showed the car being in the city impound even tho it could have been in other impounds
Fixed return vehicle not showing
Fixed unimpounding vehicle bug when Config.AnyoneCanImpound is enabled
Fixed /impound UI showing 'undefined'
Fixed a potential bug with pressing H (when you have no cars in garage) and then pressing E straight after
Fixed an issue with the cooldown on using the garage not working correctly
Fixed submarines not being recognised as boats
Fixed the job garages showing the ’Garage A’ on the UI as it should say ‘Job Garage’
Fixed a bug causing owned job garages to not function correctly
Fixed the regular job vehicles not displaying the vehicles label from the database
Fixed an issue with searching plates when using the impound UI
Fixed not being able to search for plates on the quick vehicle UI when caps lock is enabled
Temporary fix for the canary issue until the new Tebex FiveM license system is ready to launch, when this is released we will be fully switching over to the new system
Authentication update
Files Changed:
Update Type:
We are now using the official Authentication System provided by FiveM. The old auth system will be taken offline 1 week from now (give or take a few days if needed).
Added a config option to disable the garage exploit protection
Added a 3rd key press when using the garage to store trailers, (G by default) which will store either the vehicle you are in or the closest vehicle. This will enable the use of trailers as you can store them now.
Added a new config option which will make players to pay a configurable percentage fee of the vehicles price to return vehicles using the outside quick UI. (or you can still use a configurable set price)
Added a function in the client_customise_me that is triggered after spawning a vehicle, making it easier for people to understand where they can add extra trigger events.
Added a fake plate system. You can add a fake plate by using an item and it will open a UI where you can input text to choose your own plate. The fake plate can be reverted by using a chat command or by storing the vehicle.
Added a private garage system, which wil allow specified jobs to create private garages anywhere on the map and sell them to players. The private garage will be placed at the coords and heading where the player is who created it.
Reworked the impound, now when you impound a car you will have a new UI where can input the reason, officers name, and impound duration or set it so only a officer can un-impound the vehicle. With this new system officers can impound vehicles for a set amount of time, and when this time expires the owner of the vehicle can retrieve the vehicle themselves after paying the fee calculated by the vehicles price.
Added a new garage transfer option to the quick garage UI to transfer to another garage for a configurable fee.
Added drag-and-drop compatibility with the QBCore framework.
Added support for oxmysql.
Added support for our new 40 car garage shell. This includes the new option to choose a shell for each garage location or allow the script to choose a shell for a player depending on how many vehicles a player owns.
Added vehicle keys which allow players to give temporary and saved keys, along with a UI to remove keys you have given to players. Temporary keys get removed after a server restart and saved keys save in the database and give them back to the players when they login.
Added a new config option which will allow you to set the garage to work with vehicles with no spaces in the plate and with spaces in the plate. So with this simple config option you no longer need to edit external scripts to work with the garage regarding the plates.
Added a new action bar for use when hotwiring vehicles.
Added a check to prevent the transfer vehicle chat command from being used without sending the players id in the first argument.
Cleaned up some of the code in the functions.lua.
Edited the personal owned job vehicle system., so for example if you purchase a personal owned police car for your job, you can only access this police car when you have the police job. Meaning if you leave the police to be a mechanic you will no longer have access to spawn the police car from the mechanic job garage.
Reworked the "inside garage blacklist", so instead of text appearing where your blacklisted vehicle should have been, it will now just place the next vehicle in its place.
Removed the garage_tax database column in the users database table as it is no longer needed, we will now cache the data server side instead.
The vehicle plate has been added to the main quick garage UI in replacement for the vehicle's category.
The inside garage is more responsive, while being more optimised.
Fixed an typo in the provided vehicles SQL table
Fixed the impound so unowned vehicles do not actually get added the impound when using /impound.
Fixed the 2 different types of liveries both not saving in the esx/qbcore props
Fixed the bug where on random occasions you could spawn a car that's already out on the streets when using onesync.
Fixed some vehicle damages not saving and reapplying.
When you store a boat in the garage it will now teleport you out of the water and onto solid ground.
All known bugs fixed from previous versions and from beta testing.
Added config option to use the QBCore time/weather sync resource.
Added a new event to force save the damage of every owned vehicle to the database so players can't escape vehicle repair costs by leaving the vehicle on the street before a server restart. This will only work if Config.VehicleKeys.ENABLE is set to true.
Added compatibility for qb-houses with the property garages. (these property garages are not unique at this time, meaning vehicles stored in a property garage can be spawned from any property garage).
Added the players job label instead of the name to the job garage UI.
Added some more locales for the UI to the locales_ui.js.
Edited the vehicle management command permissions to be more user friendly with pre configured permissions for each framework.
Reworked the garage tax system. The garage_tax column from the database has been removed. Now vehicles either get taxed based on a % of a vehicle price or a set configurable fee.
Reworked the vehicle keys system so you can enable the vehicle lock system while disabling the vehicle hotwire system. They now both work independently.
Updated compatibility with the new oxmysql method.
Disabled some features by default to ensure easier installation for newer developers.
Fixed the data not being pulled correctly from the QBCore shared vehicles when Config.VehiclesData is enabled.
Fixed some bugs with the fakeplate.
Fixed some locales on the UI not being translatable.
Fixed a bug where the closest vehicle checks sometimes don't get the correct vehicle.
Fixed the errors with the server event to save all mileage.
Fixed a typo which caused the server side garage space file to not load.
Fixed the avisa submarine not being storable in boat garages.
Fixed the GetGarageCount and GetGarageLimitfunctions not functioning correctly on QBCore servers.
Fixed the vehicle management command and garage space command not functioning correctly on QBCore servers.
Fixed random client framework error caused by framework not being initialized fast enough.
Fixed typo in /vehicle-plate command that caused an error.
Fixed an issue with esx trimming plates even with Config.VehicleDatabasePlateType enabled.
Optimised the job checks.
Fixed the hotwire action bar randomly starting at different stages.
Fixed the wrong data being added to the database when using the /vehicle-add command on QBCore.
Added extra checks to fix vehicle props if certain values are missing/nil/NaN.
Fixed an issue with the closest vehicle checks returning the wrong vehicle.
Fixed the heading for private garages.
Fixed a typo in the provided SQL file.
Fixed an error when using the QBCore property garage that occurred when a property did not have the coords set.
Fixed the issue where players could spawn their vehicles from other players property garage.
Fixed QBCore perms.
Files Changed:
Update Type:
Added gang garages. This is drag and drop on QBCore but it's very easy to add compatibility with any other gang resource.
Added a config option to disable the inside garage without needing to make any other changes.
Added on-duty checks alongside the job checks.
Added a new config option to allow certain jobs to remove fake plates.
READDED the Config.PlateFormat config option to allow the use of plates with spaces.
Added a vehicle lockpick system for unlocking locked owned vehicles.
Added a 3rd argument to the server customise me's check and remove money functions to allow you to add the money from impound fees to police society for example.
Added a config option to disable the return vehicle feature.
Added a new chat command to delete private garages.
Added checks to warn you if one of your vehicles in qbcores shared vehicle table has been formatted incorrectly.
Fixed a bug with blacklisting vehicles in the inside garage.
Fixed an issue with 1 locale for cd_drawtextui being encrypted causing issues using other draw text resources.
Fixed the cd_drawtextui from not updating instantly when spawning a vehicle from the job garage.
Fixed a typo in the SQL file.
Added extra checks to warn you when there is issues with your vehicle props data caused by other scripts adding incorrect data to it.
Fixed a typo in the vehicle lock system possibly causing issues.
When a car is unimpounded the in_garage state gets set back to 1 so the player doesn't have to pay a return vehicle fee.
Fixed a typo with the garage tax amount being $0 when using the default price calculator method.
Files Changed:
Update Type:
Added extra code to auto-fix errors caused by the wrong formatting of QBCore's shared vehicle file.
Added some code for the Config.DebugPrints option to help debug framework-related issues.
Fixed an error with the save all vehicle damage events.
Fixed an issue with lockpicking vehicles.
Fixed an issue with saved vehicle keys.
Fixed a bug where it would error when trying to transfer a vehicle when you only have 1 garage location configured.
Fixed cars being able to move when hotwiring.
Files Changed:
Update Type:
Added a built-in persistent vehicle feature.
Added a new config option (Config.UseFrameworkDutySystem) for you to decide whether you want to use your framework's on/off duty feature.
Updated the locales.
Removed unnecessary dependencies.
Added event handlers for the default QBCore qb-keys (meaning you no longer need to edit the give-key events in your QBCore resources).
Moved some code from the functions.lua into new files to improve organisation.
Improved the debug prints.
Replaced the database queries to get a character's name with xplayer.getName().
Made changes to the garage to auto-fix the 013552 error code caused by other resources not adding the data to the mods column in the database.
Fixed the inside garage blacklist.
Fixed issues with radial menus sending the wrong data for the impound event.
Fixed an issue with the regular job spawn plates which caused keys to not be given.
Fixed the impound timer to save to the database when the timer reaches 0 to avoid timers being reset after a server restart if the player has not retrieved their vehicle.
Files Changed:
Update Type:
Improved the persistent vehicles logic.
Updated the vehicle keys code to be more stable and consistent.
Removed the long cooldown timer with vehicle keys when locking/unlocking vehicles.
Backend code optimization improvements.
Fixed issues related to the error code 2246.
Fixed the DeleteGarage errors.
Fixed the issues with fake plates and persistent vehicles.
Files Changed:
Update Type:
Auto Framework Detection - We have added a new feature we are calling 'auto_detect', which will automatically identify your framework, SQL database resource, and framework notifications and apply the appropriate default settings.
Auto SQL Insert - If you set Config.AutoInsertSQL in [configs/config.lua] to true, the resource will automatically insert the SQL for you. You can set this to false after the SQL has been inserted.
Added the GiveVehicleKeys function in the client customise, which is triggered every time the script needs to give vehicle keys to a player. You can put your external give key events/exports here.
Removed some old default notification types.
Reverted the change to allow vehicles to be driven without keys when hotwire was disabled.
Fixed all known issues with persistent vehicles.
Fixed issues when storing vehicles with an empty mods column on qbcore.
Fixed a typo that caused you to fall through the ground when spawning a car inside the garage.
Fixed an abusable bug to avoid hotwiring vehicles.
Fixed the "no NUI callback captured" warning.
Fixed the wrong return vehicle fee being displayed on the inside garage UI sometimes.
Added extra checks to the impound event for when you are using radial menus, and they send the incorrect data.
Fixed a typo with the check vehicle on streets callback, allowing duplicate vehicles.
Files Changed:
Update Type:
Added more locales.
Added car alarms when hotwiring and lockpicking vehicles.
When changing the garage names, the script will automatically update the default garage_id in the database and the garage_id for all vehicles in the database.
Updated the "cd_garage:UpdateGarageType" event to ensure the vehicle is added to the correct default garage for boat or air vehicles.
Cleaned up and organised the open files.
Fixed a server-side error on qb when storing a vehicle in the gang garage or trying to store a vehicle you don't own.
Fixed the regular job garage vehicle deleter from deleting vehicles far away.
Fixed being able to duplicate vehicles from impounds if you tried to impound a vehicle when a player was still sitting inside.
Fixed the esx depreciated event warning.
Fix for some mechanic scripts saving the model as the vehicle spawn name instead of the model hash.
Fix for some auto SQL insert errors when first installing the resource.
Files Changed:
Update Type:
Shared Vehicles Added a new feature allowing you to share your vehicle with others if you give them a saved key. They can spawn your vehicle from your garage even if you are offline. Their access is removed when you remove their saved key. It can be disabled in the config.
Job Garage Shared Keys Added a new feature which allows keys for vehicles spawned through the job garage to be shared with other players of the same job. It can be disabled in the config.
Lockpicking Item Lockpicking vehicles can now be done using a usable item or a chat command.
Impound Vehicle Event Added a new event allowing you to impound a vehicle directly from an event from external scripts.
Added an animation when lockpicking a vehicle.
Added pre-configured compatible code for 3 different notification scripts.
Added pre-configured compatible code for 10 different fuel scripts.
Added pre-configured compatible code for 5 different vehicle key scripts.
(more pre-configured compatibility will be added for scripts with public docs or if their authors contact us.)
Added pre-configured compatibility with AdvancedParking and new functions to the client_customise_me.lua for easier compatibility with other persistent vehicle scripts.
Regular job vehicles now spawn with max fuel.
Added a function to the server_customise_me.lua which is triggered when a fake plate is added/removed, allowing you easier compatibility with external scripts.
Further organised different parts of the code and moved them into their own files.
Removed the "Config.DisableOwnership" option.
If the return vehicle feature is disabled, the button is not hidden.
Fixed the return vehicle feature not working when the return price is set to 0.
Fixed an error with the auto-insert SQL on fresh installs.
Implemented a permanent fix for the 5111 error code.
Fixed an issue with persistent vehicles when using the /vehicle-plate admin command.
Fixed the "JobRestrictNotif" client-side error.
Fixed the impound UI's "impound time" default value disappearing when closing and reopening the UI.
Fixed the impound UI's character count from not resetting when closing and reopening the UI.
Files Changed:
html (full folder)
Update Type:
Added pre-configured compatibility with lb-phone for garage tax.