
Key Binds

  • You can modify or disable these keys in the Keys and Commands section of the [configs/config.lua].

  • Ensure you understand how Key Mapping works.




Open the outside quick garage.


Enter the inside garage.


Store your vehicle.


Hotwire a vehicle.


Toggle vehicle lock.

Chat Commands

  • You can rename or disable these chat commands in the Keys and Commands section of the [configs/config.lua].




Impound system to impound a vehicle.


Transfer system to transfer a vehicle to another player.


Check the mileage of the vehicle you are in.


Players with defined jobs can sell garage slots to other players.


Check how many garage spaces you have.


(Staff only) Add the vehicle you are currently sat inside to a player's garage.


(Staff only) Delete the vehicle you are currently sat inside from the database.


(Staff only) Change the plate of the vehicle you are currently sat inside.


(Staff only) Give yourself keys to the vehicle you are currently sat inside.


Players with defined jobs can create and sell private garages to players.


Remove a fake plate from the closest vehicle.


Give temporary keys (keys delete after server restart) to to the closest player to the closest vehicle.


Give saved keys (keys save in database) to to the closest player to the closest vehicle.


Open the keys UI to remove keys you have given out to other players.


Toggle vehicle lock.


Start lockpicking the closest vehicle.


  • These events are entirely optional and can be used as needed.


Check a vehicle's mileage.

Impound Vehicle

Opens the impound UI. You can send a vehicles id as the first argument, otherwise, it will choose the closest vehicle.

Transfer Vehicle

Transfer the vehicle you are sat in. You must send the player's server-id in the first argument.
TriggerEvent('cd_garage:TransferVehicle', playerid)

Vehicle Lock

Toggle vehicle lock of the closest vehicle.

Update Garage Type

Update the database with the correct garage_type for the vehicle a player is sat in.

Impound Vehicle Directly Through code

This event allows you to send vehicle's to the impound directly through code, without needing the in-game UI.
TriggerEvent('cd_garage:ImpoundVehicle:Direct', {
    plate = plate, -- string, the vehicle's plate.
    impound = impound, -- number, the ImpoundID from the Config.ImpoundLocations.
    props = props, -- table, the vehicles props.
    time = time, -- number, the time the vehicle was impounded.
    description = description, -- string, the description of why the vehicle was impounded.
    canretrive = canretrive, -- boolean, if the vehicle can be retrieved from the impound by the owner.
    vehicle = vehicle, -- number, the vehicle entity.


These exports are entirely optional and can be used as needed.

Get Garage Type

Returns the type of vehicle the player is sat in (‘car’ / ‘boat’ / ‘air’) (string).

Get Mileage Data

Returns the mileage table which includes; plate, mileage, maxhealth (table).

Get Keys Data

Returns a players full key table which includes; all vehicles they have keys to (table).

Does Player Have Keys

Returns if the player has keys to the defined vehicle (boolean).

Get Plate

Returns the vehicle plate from the vehicle the player is sat in (string).

Get Config

Returns the full garage config (table).

Get Vehicles Data

Returns a large table from the cached vehicles data of all vehicles which includes; name, hash, price, category, model (table).

Usable Items

  • Usable items can be renamed or disabled in [configs/config.lua].

Item Name


Start lockpicking the closest vehicle.

Run these SQL queries in your database.
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('lockpick', 'Lockpick', 1, 0, 1);

Last updated

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